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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Our View On Life
![]() Good people are the people who will accept that nobody is perfect. They accept who they are and live life to their standards and let you live to yours. They do not criticize how others feel cuz everyone feels different and they have a right to that. They do not want to be like anybody else but themselves. They are also kind and considerate to others. They will help friends when they are having hard times and never give up trying to help. There are not many people like that now. If you find a friend like that try to keep them around cuz they can help you with problems cuz they care for others.
~Dave and Jackie~
Multiple personalities isnt something that few ppl get. Everyone has them. They just dont know it. When a person is sad they act totally different from the way they act when they are happy. People can act crazy sometimes too. They are totally different then too. Anyways my point is just that everyone has a multiple personality.If they dont realize it then they are crazy as hell.
Someone asked who are u and I thought to myself *who am i. to me i am myself. to others i am something totally different.Does anybody actually know who they are. I am not really sure of who I am because of all tha changes in my life.Everyone goes thru changes so they dont really know who they are. `
Life itself is a road, with limitless possibilities. How it ends and what it brings is determinrd by what you do. Every action, every decision takes you down a different road. So when people come in and out of our lives, that is because roads combine and diverge. No two people can walk the same path. So make the best of yours.
Life to me would have to be just a dream. Everyone dreams of something they want to do and they will get to do it most of the time. Some ppl dream of what they want to be and they become that. It is pretty much how much u want your dream to come tru. If u want anything badly enuf then it is surely going to happen. That is my opinion. I used to dream of being different from everyone else. That definitely happened.Thus showing it can happen with u. Only u might dream of different things. So dream on. It will create the path that lies before you.
Heart. Now that is where everyone say feelings come from. Me on the other hand,I don't think that anything comes from the heart.When ppl ask if something comes from my heart I could say yes. Cuz I consider that as meaning it comes from my deepest thoughts.That is my heart. My other heart is just an organ pumping blood thru my body. My brain puts out the feelings I have. Nothing else does.
Individuality.Personally my favorate subject to talk about.Why would someone want to be like anybody else.Do they feel that they need to do that to fit into a group. Individuality is something everybody should try. You would most likely be more happy if you did try it.It makes you feel free from everyone else.Conformity is the thing that I most hate.I could make this go on forever but to make it short. CONFORMITY=BAD. INDIVIDUALITY=GOOD.
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